Screen time and us

Kainat Tariq
3 min readDec 31, 2020

In this age of science and technology children and screen are inseparable. Wherever we go we see the people (both children and Adults) around us engaged in their phone, tablets, laptops and TVs. We can’t deny the fact that some screen time can be beneficial for social and educational development. But excessive use of screen is harmful for both children and adults. Here’s a road map of how much screen time is safe for different age groups and how to control screen time.

Unstructured playtime and more interaction with the people is more valuable for young children. As mental growth of a child occur in the first few years. More screen time can be a hurdle in their cognitive and social development.

Both apple and google has recently introduce a screen time feature to help the user to keep a check on how much time he/she spends on phone and possibly reduce it.

Effects of Excessive use of screen

These days not only children but Adults are also suffering due to the excessive use of screen. A pew research survey of parents showed that 72% of their children were distracted by their phone while talking to them. Many of the teenagers feel that they waste excess of their time using their phone and a fewer had tried to cut back on their usage.

Uncontrolled and unchecked use of screen can lead to many health and mental issues like:

· Depression

· Anxiety

· Sleeplessness

· Obesity

· Violence

· Behavioral issues

Recommended screen time by Age

American Academy of pediatrics has following recommendation for different age groups

· Any screen time is strictly forbidden for children of age bellow 18 months except video Calling. Because, children of this age learn and grow better through physical activities. So, there should be more physical interaction.

· Toddlers of 18 to 24 months can enjoy a little bit of screen time. Children of age 2 to 5 cannot have screen time more then an hour. But parents need to focus on the quality of screen time too. If you are playing colour game or some interactive colour game. That’s a good screen time. Plopping your kid to watch a TV serial with you is an example of bad screen time.

· For children above 6, parents should reinforce reasonable and good quality screen time for their kids.

· For adults there’s no specific screen time recommended. As it depends upon the nature and requirement of screen time. But a controlled use of screen is necessary.

· One can use the following tool for creating personalized family media use plan.

How to limit screen time:

Following are some tips and guidelines that can be helpful for controlling your screen time.

By creating Technology-free zones

Create technology free zones in your house where nobody is allowed to use electronics like phone, video games or laptops. You can create such zones in your Kitchen or dining hall etc. to have meals and conversations.

Engage yourself in other activities

To reduce screen time it’s necessary to get engaged in other activities like playing outside , reading books, interacting with family and friends or doing some other physical work .

Specify a daily limit

Consider your screen time a privilege and not a right. Set a daily limit for the use of screen , stick to it and don’t tend to spend more time on screen.


screen time is a hot topic now a days. If you or your child are becoming a couch-potato, than its time to set some ground rules to overturn the situation. Before it lead you toward serious health or psychological issues. Quality of screen time is also necessary.



Kainat Tariq

Software project manager by day, Medium writer by night. Sharing insights on team leadership, agile approaches, and avoiding burnout